Cook to Kupe Cycling Tour – rich in history, culture, scenery, quirky towns, interesting locals, boutique accommodation, gastronomical delights and magical experiences. It was with great excitement that I packed my bag for the next five nights! I am lucky enough to live in the Bay of Islands and a walking and cycling company asked me if I would like to accompany them on a trial of one of their new tours namely the Cook to Kupe Magical experiences on the Cook to Kupe tour I jumped at the chance.
I have always been a keen cyclist and have plenty of trips under my belt, albeit most of them many years ago. My favourite one was when I was in my late 20’s cycling from Mexico down to Chile. This took a year and the first month I spent swinging between tantrums and sobbing as it was so hard and my training trips round Richmond Park in London had not prepared me. It turned out to be the trip of a lifetime and I was hooked. I have never been a “tour” person so my initial thought about this tour around Northland was “let’s see how this goes”.
Featured in the “Walking New Zealand” Magazine